Breast Feeding Fountain
The Breast Feeding Fountain was initiated through an invitation from Interior Health who were looking for artists and community groups to contribute to an exhibit promoting breastfeeding. Public Health Nurse Mary Anne Domarchuk (also a frequent Runaway Moon participant) asked if Runaway Moon could collaborate with her.
Mary Anne and Jasmin Wright (outreach coordinator) held “Tea Parties” at local Parent-Tot drop-in groups, and participants were asked to create a plasticine model of what they thought a breastfeeding fountain would look like. Mary Anne took these opportunities to discuss the challenges, rewards, and politics of breastfeeding.
Forty models resulted and exhibited in 15 downtown Enderby storefronts for 2 weeks in May 2016. These models informed our fountain design.
Thrift stores donated teacups; these were broken into mosaic tiles at a community “Smashing Teacup Party”. Local artist Stephan Bircher built the frame and waterworks, Mary Anne and Cathy Stubington tiled the fountain, and builders Keith and Laurie Richards did the elaborate grouting.
The fountain was exhibited at the Enderby Branch of the North Okanagan Regional Library in 2017 and then went to temporarily live in the entranceway at the Enderby Health Centre.
Poster Design by: Cathy Stubington
Clearwater trickled through a mosaic sculpture of a landscape, in which a mother rests nursing her child. The mother is as calm as snow nestled in the mountaintops. The land is scattered with flowers and leaves, all from teacup designs.
Lead Artists Mary Anne Domarchuk and Cathy Stubington, following a community consultation led by Jasmin Wright.
Technical builder Stephan Bircher, Grout work Keith and Laurie Richards.
Medium Teacup mosaic and mixed media
Location Enderby and Grindrod
We are presently looking for a new temporary or permanent home for the fountain! It’s total size (including the base) is 4 feet by 3 feet, by 4 feet high
Community Partners: Runaway Moon Theatre, Enderby & District Community Resource Centre, Healthiest Babies Possible Program (Enderby), Splatsin Health Centre, Curly Willow Farm, Enderby Downtown Businesses, North Okanagan Regional Library (Enderby Branch), Armstrong, Enderby and Salmon Arm Thrift Stores, Enderby Strong Start Program.
Participants: Enderby and Splatsin community members, members of partner organizations, Stephan Bircher, Laurie Richards, Keith Richards, Jasmin Wright, Claire MacDonald and Sonia Domarchuk-White.
Created in partnership with the Interior Health Breast Feeding Expo Project
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